At the NRMA, six Directors (of a maximum nine in total) are elected by Members – one for each of the six regions. The elections are held on rotation, with three regions holding elections every two years. Eligible Members are allocated to a region based on where they live and may cast their vote for a candidate in that region. With Directors holding office for four years, this means that Members vote in the election for their region once every four years.
Although elected by the Ordinary Members residing in a region, each NRMA Director has a duty to act in good faith and in the best interests of the NRMA and its Members as a whole.
From 27 March 2023, notice was given on the NRMA website that, in accordance with the Constitution of National Roads and Motorists’ Association Limited (ABN 77 000 010 506) (NRMA), an election by the Ordinary Members of three Directors of the NRMA would take place in 2023 for the regions of Hoddle, Mann and Townsend. Notice was also provided in the March-April edition of Open Road magazine. The nominations period opened on Friday 5 May 2023 and closed at 5pm (Sydney time) on Friday 26 May 2023.
Only one eligible Member nominated to stand for election in each of the regions, and they were confirmed as an eligible candidate in their respective region. In accordance with the NRMA Constitution, the sole nominated candidate in each of these regions is taken to be elected as a Director.
The next election will be held for the regions of Cox, Harbour and Howe in 2025.
Your region is determined by your address. See below for links to maps and further details to find out which region you are in and for information on the six regions.