Don’t fret. There are several ways to retrieve it to access all of the great benefits that come with being part of the NRMA family.
You can find your membership number with the following:
With your membership card
Your NRMA member number appears on the front of your membership card, above your name.
With your NRMA statements
Your NRMA member number appears on the top right of your membership statements, under summary.
With your online account
Sign in to your account using your email address and password.
Once you're signed in, you'll find your NRMA member number under your name
in the top left hand corner of the page.
If you haven't signed in before, you'll need to register for an online account.
With the My NRMA app
If you use the My NRMA app, you can use the app to find your NRMA membership number.
1. Simply log in to the app
2. Tap on show card at the top of the app homepage, and choose membership card to display your membership number.
By phone
If you aren’t able to log in to your account, please call NRMA member Services on 13 11 22 and a representative will help provide your membership number.