Get in touch with us today for more information on our free NRMA education programs.
The NRMA Science and Road Safety program is delivered free of charge to schools in Sydney, ACT and regional NSW. We’ve already visited over 800 schools and educated over 450,000 children across NSW and ACT since the program launched in February 2014.
This best practice road safety education focusses on increasing the knowledge and skills of students, teachers and parents. The program is mapped to the NSW K-6 PDHPE, English and Science Syllabi.
We increase children’s knowledge to drive changes in their attitudes and behaviours towards road safety through:
We support teachers in the classroom with:
We educate parents so they know how to keep their children safe:
We teach the WHAT, WHY and HOW of road safety
By the time children start school, most are given the responsibility of putting on their own seatbelt and strapping on their own bike helmet, yet few children actually know how to do this correctly which puts them at risk.
We explicitly teach children the following road safety information each accompanied with a tangible safety strategy that they can employ to keep themselves and others safe;
We use data to measure the effectiveness of the program
Student pre and post program online assessment shows a
Teacher feedback surveys tell us that we are helping teachers in the classroom with 90% of teachers telling us they have more skills and confidence in teaching road safety than before we visited.
We use experts to create and deliver our program