A new report released in partnership with the NRMA and ACT Pedal Power has revealed peak-hour congestion and parking in the ACT could significantly improve with a target of increasing the number of people who cycle to work.
The report, ACT Cycling Participation, showed that the ACT has a higher rate of participants cycling to work than any other state or jurisdiction nationwide (2.61%) and almost one quarter (23.3%) of ACT residents had cycled in the previous week (18% nationwide).
The ACT Government has invested considerably in cycling infrastructure and amenities that support cycling, with over 1,000 kilometres of shared paths, which are largely well-connected. The ACT also has a bicycle parking code for new developments.
The report identified that considerable improvements can be made to congestion and parking access across Canberra by increasing the number of people in the ACT cycling to work by 7,000 – a doubling of the current figure.
ACT Cycling Participation highlights an under-representation of females cycling to work (40%) compared to men in the territory and calls on further measures to encourage greater female participation.
The report has identified bicycle tourism as an area of opportunity for the ACT with the Government estimating that the growth sector could deliver $400 million in aggregate benefits to the ACT economy by 2030.
By driving this fast-growing trend in the ACT there is scope to significantly boost local tourism and boost the local economy by attracting more tourists from interstate and overseas through the fast-growing bicycle tourism industry.
NRMA local Director Kate Lundy said the partnership report between the NRMA and ACT Pedal Power identified a raft of benefits to the local community and economy by encouraging greater participation in cycling.
As Australia's largest Member organisation with a focus on mobility and tourism this report helps identify opportunities that sit at the heart of who we are as an organisation. Ms Lundy said.
We can reduce congestion, increase participation in a healthy and productive mode of transport and create new tourism opportunities for the ACT by encouraging more people to get on a bike.
ACT Pedal Power Executive Director Simon Copland said that he welcomed the growing relationship between NRMA and Pedal Power.
Increased rates of cycling is beneficial for everybody in our community; even those who drive cars. It reduces congestion, is great for the environment, and boost individuals mental and physical health.
The ACT Government has taken many positive steps to boost cycling numbers in Canberra. However, there is a lot more we can do. In particular we are calling for the faster roll-out of separated cycling infrastructure across the city, making the riding our bike safer and more convenient for all.