Get peace of mind with a CarHistory report you can trust
Service temporarily unavailable: Please check back soon. Last updated 26 February 2025.
*Terms and conditions apply. 28% discount is calculated off the current RRP price for the same or similar report. 28% is the maximum discount available and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. Offer, pricing, RRPs and discounts current as at 14 January 2022 and are subject to change or end at any time. Offer available for valid NRMA members only.
^Compared with reported odometer readings and sale/price listings for similar vehicles.
†When a vehicle is written off or stolen, there may be a delay in this information being available for inclusion in the report. This is because the data provided is sourced from the NEVDIS database which is managed by the Road Transport Authority in each state in conjunction with AustRoads. There are sometimes delays in this information being reported into the NEVDIS database by the relevant Road Transport Authority. The data is provided as it is displayed in the NEVDIS database at the time the report is generated. For vehicles manufactured prior to 1989, a stolen check and written off check is not available.