What to expect from your first driving lesson

First Driving Lessons NRMA Woman having a driving lesson with an NRMA instructor
  • Your instructor from the NRMA will assess your driving competency level in the first lesson and develop a plan to work towards your licence test
  • Your parent or driving supervisor can be present for the first lesson, which will help them work with your instructor to help you pass first time
  • An hour driving lesson with an accredited NRMA driving instructor counts for three hours towards your 120-hour logbook requirement

Your first driving lesson is an exciting time. But it's a good idea to learn such an important skill from the experts. Here, we show you what to expect from your first driving lesson. 

Driver training with the NRMA offers a variety of driving lessons and driver skills training. For new drivers working towards their Ps, the first sessions will take the form of an initial learner driver lesson or a free, 60-minute Keys2drive lesson.

What will happen during my first learner driver lesson?

An initial learner driver lesson is suitable for both learner licence holders without experience, and those who have done some driving practice with a parent or supervisor.

During this lesson the instructor will assess your competency level and tailor the NRMA curriculum to your individual needs. In addition, the instructor will explain the NRMA progress card and competency rating system to your parent or supervisor, to help keep track of your progress and be able to work alongside the NRMA instructor to develop safe driving skills and get you ready to pass your licence test. 

Beyond your first driving lesson

Your NRMA instructor will continue your training, following the tailored lesson plan developed in the initial lesson. The duration of the lessons can vary to suit your learning needs and the competencies you need to master. NRMA instructors will provide guidance in relation to your progress to help plan future bookings on the way to being ready for the licence test.

Can I do the licence test in an NRMA vehicle?

Yes. NRMA driver training customers can use an NRMA vehicle for their test.

Students must first complete a practice test with the NRMA which takes approximately 90 minutes, or demonstrate ongoing competent driving behaviours throughout their tuition, which will be reflected on the progress card which is issued during your first lesson. 

At NRMA Driver Training, we pride ourselves on developing safe driving skills in all our learners and to take you well beyond the basic test competencies.

At this point, your driving instructor will deem you to be a competent driver, and you will be able to book your test with the Transport for NSW (TfNSW) or ACT Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA).

Driver training with the NRMA has a range of lesson types to suit your driving needs

Whether you're a learner working towards passing your licence test, or an experienced driver seeking refresher lessons on driving practices and the road rules, senior driver assessment or refresher lessons, or driver rehabilitation, we are here to help.

Learning to drive made easy

The NRMA driver training team can help you get your licence first time