NRMA unveils Wagga Wagga rate your road survey results

grey vehicle stuck in a giant pothole in concreted area
grey vehicle stuck in a giant pothole in concreted area

Friday 10 March 2023: The NRMA is today bringing its Rate Your Roads campaign to Wagga Wagga to highlight survey results for the local community and thank those who took part.

A record 28,292 votes have been cast across NSW in NRMA’s Rate Your Roads survey with more than 1,200 votes cast for roads in Wagga Wagga.

Voting commenced in December last year and the results are being rolled out across the state in the lead-up to the NSW election later this month. Local roads identified were:

  Street Name Suburb Reason AVE Score TOTAL Votes
 1 Dobbs Street Wagga Wagga Safety and Condition 35 115
 2 Sturt Highway Wagga Wagga Condition 39 104
 3 Bourke Street Mount Austin Condition 39 56
 4 Pine Gully Road Gobbagombalin Safety 29 32
 5 Inglewood Road Forest Hill Condition 25 31

In the Wagga Wagga local area, Docker Street and Coolamon Road in Downside received votes for better performance.

NRMA spokesperson Peter Khoury, thanked the community for helping to again break the record on the number of votes for its Rate Your Road survey and highlighted that the invaluable data would help the organisation fight for better community outcomes over the next four years.

“The NRMA today thanks the community of Wagga Wagga who had their say on what is a critical issue facing our nation and joined a grass roots campaign to make our roads safer and more efficient,” Mr Khoury said.

“A number of local roads were identified in this survey and the NRMA is committed to ensuring this data helps drive sensible funding and policy outcomes across all levels of Government - receiving crucial feedback on roads in regional NSW is particularly helpful.

“This community-led advocacy works – some of the state’s worst roads no longer make the list because Governments have responded by investing in solutions. This has helped make our roads safer for everyone.”

Contact: Peter Khoury 0439 133 115

Authorised and printed by Sam Giddings, Level 13, 151 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000