The survey of more than 1,000 people was conducted to gauge the public’s safety experience in school zones during COVID, with more parents doing school drop-offs and pick-ups. It found:
NRMA Road Safety Expert Dimitra Vlahomitros said motorists needed to employ extreme caution around school zones.
“There’s no excuse for poor driver behaviour at any time, but especially not when childrens’ lives are at risk,” Ms Vlahomitros said.
“Our Members tell us they are witnessing shockingly risky behaviour around schools, like drivers driving on the wrong side of the road to get past queues of parents dropping kids off, speeding, dropping very young children off alone on roads, or performing illegal or dangerous u-turns.
“This behaviour is illegal and it puts childrens’ lives at risk.”
Ms Vlahomitros said primary school aged children were more vulnerable around vehicles because they did not have the skills and judgment that come naturally with age and experience.
“Parents and guardians can take simple steps to ensure the safety of their children and other children around school zones,” Ms Vlahomitros said.
“Schools worked so hard in 2020 to ensure safe environments were provided for children during COVID. As we start the school year the extra traffic congestion around school will return and the NRMA is calling on all road users to adjust to these conditions and take safe measures to keep children safe.”