My NRMA membership is your ultimate companion to a world of exclusive perks and benefits designed to save you money and make life easier.
Being a My NRMA member means discounts on travel, savings on accommodation, and thousands of perks and benefits across Australia and New Zealand. Save when you dine, shop, and refuel the car.
My NRMA members like Victoria, Mikhaela, and Colin share how they have saved using their benefits and share their best tips and tricks for getting the most out of your membership every day.
Whether you're into whale watching, roller coaster rides, animal encounters or just relaxing at the movies, your My NRMA membership includes discounts on over 3000 attractions and experiences across Australia and New Zealand.
Member of 10 years, Victoria, tells us which benefits she uses the most in the My NRMA app. Check out her top tips to save and how she discovered that My NRMA is much bigger than she ever imagined.
Save everyday with 4c off fuel at Ampol and use that full tank to travel to an NRMA Holiday Park where, as a member, you're guarenteed the best price and most flexible cancellation policy.
A member for 66 years, Colin loves the My NRMA app and tells us which benefits are his favourites.
Member of 5 years, Mikhaela, thought being a member just meant legendary roadside assistance. Then she discovered thousands of member benefits in the My NRMA app. Listen to her tasty tips to save at cafés, restaurants, and takeaways near you.
From fine dining, to take away, to tasty treats, use the app to find out what discounts are around you at any given time.
Did you know that your My NRMA membership now also includes My Cashback? Simply link your payment and shop like normal to be rewarded.
Find out more about My Cashback
With so much on offer, make sure you're taking full advantage of your membership, and saving on everyday spending, every day.