A message from the CEO — NRMA Annual Report 2017

NRMA CEO Rohan Lund

In a message of thanks to Members, Rohan Lund, NRMA Group CEO shares results of the organisation’s performance over the past 12 months, and his outlook for the future.

Dear Members,

We are proud to be Australia’s largest member organisation, committed to the benefit and wellbeing of our owners, you. We do this through a shared value approach to deliver equally on our social, economic and Member purpose.

"We were born to keep you moving"

This was our purpose 97 years ago when society was facing the entry of the automobile, and it’s our purpose today as the very nature of mobility is set to change radically – again.

Australia is on the cusp of a new era of motoring and transport. Electrification, connectivity, autonomous technology and a diverse range of mobility solutions changing the face of motoring across the globe. We will help you navigate this new era of mobility, discover new opportunities and be the collective voice that shapes the future of transport and tourism in this country.

To respond to your changing needs, we diversified beyond the car to focus on the broader transport and tourism sector; built around my car, my journey, my destination and my Membership.

My car

We want to extend our relationship with you beyond roadside. We have expanded our  fixed and mobile service network. We trialled connected car products, car sharing solutions and a new way to bundle our membership packages, and will expand these offers in the year ahead. We are testing an autonomous vehicle in our backyard, as we explore solutions to electric vehicle use in Australia.

My journey

We want to solve your future access challenges. We invested in DIVVY to accelerate parking technology solutions. We added parking and fuel information to the my nrma app, and launched a new website experience.

My destination

We want to provide the best value accommodation in the best locations. We grew our holiday park network from four to 39 parks offering Members the best value accommodation in some of Australia’s best locations, as we continue to look for opportunities to help Members get out and explore our great country.

My Membership

As a mutual, Members drive everything we do. We are committed to delivering more value, for more Members, more of the time.

Behind the scenes we are driving significant transformation in the way we work and the systems and tools of all our operating businesses to enable us to be much more agile and deliver much better value to you.

Despite this massive change program we delivered better service levels and a significantly improved financial result. A main driver in the profit growth was the increased use of our products and services from non-Members. This not only ensures the NRMA continues to be economically sustainable but also gives us the capacity to invest in more services and better value for you.

Testimonial / quotemark
We are committed to delivering more value, for more Members, more of the time.

I would like to acknowledge the pending retirement of the NRMA Chairman Kyle Loades. Kyle had the vision to see the change that is coming to the motoring sector and to make the necessary changes within the NRMA to embed a new commercial mindset, while retaining the social focus of a mutual. His leadership helped create the strong foundation we will build upon to ensure NRMA keeps people moving for another 100 years. I wish him only the best for the years ahead.

I also want to recognise my team at the NRMA. We have the best people, staff  that care deeply about our customers, and it is this passionate commitment that ensures we can continue to be successful.

To our Members, I thank you for your ongoing support and loyalty, and I look forward to growing the value we offer you both on and off the road in the future as we keep you moving.

Regards, Rohan.

NRMA Annual Report 2017

Learn more about how the NRMA creates value for our Members, our business and our community through our first integrated Annual Report, combining our Annual Financial Report with our Sustainability Report and Members’ Review.

What's inside?

The report is divided into sections that provide an overview of our business model, strategic priorities, risks, opportunities, performance, future outlook, governance, and detailed financial information.

    Download the report here.